Fastethernet 0 0

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Last Updated on January 14, 2021 by

  • 1 – rollover, 2 – crossover, 3 – straight-through
  • 1 – rollover, 2 – straight-through, 3 – crossover
  • 1 – crossover, 2 – straight-through, 3 – rollover
  • 1 – crossover, 2 – rollover, 3 – straight-through
    A straight-through cable is commonly used to interconnect a host to a switch and a switch to a router. A crossover cable is used to interconnect similar devices together like switch to a switch, a host to a host, or a router to a router. If a switch has the MDIX capability, a crossover could be used to connect the switch to the router; however, that option is not available. A rollover cable is used to connect to a router or switch console port.

Lab-3621 Eth 0 140 R S 3631-telcoFas 0/0 0E0 Eth 0 132 T CAT3000 1/2 type (Optional) Interface type that is connected to the neighbors about which you. Now, i setup a DHCP pool for 3 the other 3 ports: FastEthernet 0-2, they are assigned to VLAN1, which is NAT inside. I am not becoming connection on my computer which is connected to FastEthernet 1 (but still having an address from the pool). What shall i do?

For All Questions: CCNA1 ITN Chapter 4 Exam Answers 2019

Interface configuration is one of the most important configurations of the switch. Without interfaces, the switch is useless. Interface configurations must be exact to be able to communicate with other devices. Interface configuration will be presented for three different devices (in labs 4.10 – 4.12) so that you can see differences among the interfaces:

Cisco 2621 Router

Catalyst 3560 Switch

Network Layout: Load the network layout you have been working with for labs in section 4.

Interfaces correspond to the physical ports available on a device. In this instance theCisco 3560 switch has eight fast ethernet ports. As you read through the following steps you will notice a correspondence between interface and port names. This means you have to use the same names or shortcut commands as the names of the ports.

Lab Steps

1. On the Network Visualizer screen, double-click on 3560 Switch A. This will bring up a console screen.

2. Press enter and the Switch> prompt will appear. You are now in the user mode.

3. Change to the privileged mode.



4. Change to the global configuration mode.


Configuring from terminal, memory, or network [terminal]?enter

Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CTRL/Z.


5. Type interface ? to see all the interfaces available on the router.

Switch(config)#interface ?

The output will vary depending on the type of router device you are connected to.

6. The 3560 switch has eight Fast Ethernet 10/100BaseT ports. For example, the Fast Ethernet interface configuration is shown below:

Switchconfig)#interface fastethernet ?

<0-0> FastEthernet interface number

Switch(config)#int fastethernet 0

% Incomplete command.

Switch(config)#int fastethernet 0?


Switch(config)#int fastethernet 0/?

<1-8> FastEthernet interface number

Notice that you cannot type int Fast Ethernet 0/. You must type the full command, which is type slot/port, or int fastethernet 0/0. You can type the shortcut int fa 0/0 as well.

7. At this point you must choose the interface you want to configure. Once you do that, you will be in interface configuration for that interface. The command to choose Fast Ethernet port 1, for example, would be:

Switch(config)#int fasthernet 0/1

Fastethernet 0 0
0/0 equals



0_0 Youtube

—Original tutorial appeared at

Configure Fast Ethernet 0/0

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